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I get a lot of inquiries from people with existing WordPress sites but are looking for a Wordpress website designer. WordPress is a great content management system, and everyone tells you that you need to use it. You can do a one-click install and BOOM you have a WordPress website! Voila! But not so fast…. It…
Ah, plugins plugins plugins. My favorite part about WordPress is that there are so many different plugins that can be used to make a simple site extraordinary. Need a simple contact form? There’s a plugin for that! Need a photo gallery? There’s a plugin for that! If you can imagine it, there’s probably a plugin…
I write quite a bit about how to find the right website designers for small business. I know it’s something that business owners struggle with. How do you find someone you can trust? And how do I know it’s the right fit for my business? Just because you’ve found a website for a company, it doesn’t mean…
Hello! So, you have a WordPress website? Awesome! We love WordPress. And now, you want to track your traffic and gain valuable insights by using Google Analytics. That’s awesome too! We always recommend, and generally automatically set up and install, Google Analytics on all sites we create. The reason is simple: it’s a free, but…
Typography trends in web design used to be boring, but that is not longer the case. Fabulous creations such as Adobe Typekit and Google fonts allow for websites to fun and creative. Below are some of the typography trends in web design for 2014: Handwritten Fonts Fonts for Flat Web Design Scripted Fonts Does your website need some fancy…
This is a great question! If you’ve looked in the repository lately, you’ll know there are thousands and thousands of plugins. I love plugins! They add so many kinds of functions to your site. So many are free and easy to install. Plugins are one of the reasons I love WordPress so much. You can…
Jack of all trades, master of none. We specialize in WordPress solutions for small businesses, individuals, freelancers, and a variety of other professionals. We’ve been in business since 2006, so we’ve been doing this quite a while and during that time, technology has changed. WordPress has changed. There are a zillion other options these days…
Recently, Amy and I attended WordCamp in Chicago. It was a fantastic experience and we got to sit in on some pretty amazing conferences. One of the conference sessions, presented by Ross Johnson, was about the importance of the immediate subconscious response a person gets when looking at a website. In this session we learned how important…
Raise your hand if you use the same password, or the same two or three passwords for every website? Go ahead, I won’t judge you. Yes, I used to be the same way. I mean, I login to hundreds of different sites, how can I be expected to remember hundreds of different passwords, am I…
Icon Fonts use the @font-face rule in CSS to embed TTF, EOT and similar font formats into a web page. Basically, they are fonts that look and function like social media icons. The entire purpose of using icon fonts as opposed to a jpg or png is to replace rendered icons on a web page…
This weekend, Susan and I had the privilege to attend Wordcamp Chicago. This is our second Wordcamp we’ve attended, and it was yet another great experience. What I love about going to Wordcamps is that you meet many great people in the WordPress community, all people who use and love WordPress. But what I love…
The Sumy Designs team is spending the weekend in Chicago! We love WordPress and are always eager to increase our skills and meet other WordPress heroes.
That’s not to say we’re very expensive. We’re not. In fact, among colleagues we find ourselves to be priced very low and feel we’re very competitive. But on the flip side, we frequently get inquiries from people who are in the market for a website and have no idea where to start, and then are…
The most powerful tool in your marketing arsenal is your knowledge of your business. When clients ask me, what can I do to optimize my site for the search engines, my first response is, “Write a blog.” Let me back up. Last December I went to a Wordcamp conference. One of the sessions was on…