writing a blog post

postspagesIf you are new to WordPress, you may have some questions about the content management system. We use WordPress for every site we design, so while many things are second nature to us, we realize it’s not always second nature to you. So I’ve decided to start a WordPress Basics series with little  hints and tidbits and beginner information for those who need a little more information. So the first question I often here:

What’s the difference between a post and a page?

That’s a good question. A page is for “static content.” That means that you are putting content on the page that you don’t expect will be changed frequently. These are pages such as “about us” and “contact us.” You may need to update them from time to time, but they aren’t going to be changing a lot.

Posts, on the other hand, are your blog entries. Some people call them the news feed or articles. These are displayed in chronological order with the newest on top, and can be categorized and tagged for best organization, and are archived by date. For example, if you go to the blog page for Sumy Designs, you will see the ten most recent blog posts. We cover any topic from Photoshop and WordPress tutorials, to business, to design, to anything web related. These posts are all in chronological order with the newest on top, and you can browse through the archives to find old posts as well. Posts are also syndicated through an RSS feed, and pages are not.

Got other questions? Send me them over to us and we’ll add them to our series!


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Amy Masson, Web Developer

Amy Masson

Amy is the co-owner, developer, and website strategist for Sumy Designs. She's been making websites with WordPress since 2006 and is passionate about making sure websites are as functional as they are beautiful.

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