You may have landed on this page because you want to move your site to a new web host. It happens to many site owners at one point or another. You’ve outgrown your resources, or you just aren’t happy with the service you are receiving. Whatever the reason, it can be super daunting to try to move a website. How do you do it without crashing your site? How do you prevent downtime? How do you keep all your images and blog posts? What about email?
There are three basic steps to moving to a new web host.
- Move your site files
- Import your database
- Change your nameservers
Only three steps? Wow, that’s easy! Or… maybe not. Knowing exactly how to accomplish all of those three tasks can be overwhelming, especially when there are multiple ways to complete each step. I’d love to give you a step by step tutorial here, but instead I think what I’d rather do is tell you stop.
If you have never moved a site between hosts, if you don’t know what FTP or MySQL is, if you are afraid of breaking your site – you don’t have to move it yourself. This is a task that a professional can do you for quickly, at low expensive, and it can save you headaches and stress in the long tun.
Do you need help moving your website? Contact us today to find out how we can get it moved quickly and without the hassle! Let us take care of the behind the scenes work so you can focus on what you do best.
Amy Masson
Amy is the co-owner, developer, and website strategist for Sumy Designs. She's been making websites with WordPress since 2006 and is passionate about making sure websites are as functional as they are beautiful.