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Write to inspire Good blog posts should trigger the sharing of ideas. And, if your small business has a blog, then you have a great marketing tool because you know more about your business than anyone else. Write posts about your business that will inspire clients to keep reading. Focus on your target audience Try and write about…
Is your website in need of some stock photography? Most websites could use some great imagery, but many can’t afford to hire a professional photographer or purchase quality stock photographs. Have no fear; your days of stealing photos from Google searches are over. Images add visual appeal because they make your article seem more attractive.…
Don’t you hate it when you go to load a website and it takes forever? Nobody is going to wait for that wheel to stop spinning if it takes more than 10 seconds. In fact, more than four seconds and you are losing people. Is your site slow? There can be many possibilities, but here’s…
We get a lot of quote requests at Sumy Designs. One of the first questions we ask is this: What is your budget for this project? Lately it seems that many people who inquire are reluctant to give us this information. I understand the rationale, you don’t want to give the company free reign to…
Fonts are funny, we love them yet if we use them without restraint they look out of control and unprofessional. Combining fonts successfully isn’t hard if you follow a few simple rules: Thick and Thin Stick with the same font but use a thin version and a bold version to separate the header from the…
Professionals in all fields have tools. As a homeowner, there’s a good chance you own a plunger. But do you have a drain snake? Why not? Would it be cheating if a plumber came to your house and used a drain snake instead of reaching down the drain by hand? Would it be cheating if…
We’ve done a lot of sites for clients, and usually we set up Google Webmaster Tools for them, because there are a lot of good, useful tools there. If you have a website and use webmaster tools, and your site isn’t mobile-friendly, then expect to get a notice from Google sooner rather than later. Here’s…
No, not the tasty little hamburgers. I’m talking about the slideshows on a website that rotate through a series of photos. There are thousands of different slider plugins out there, and it seems that every site has caught onto this trend like a viral infection. Everyone seems to want one, but let me ask you this…
I am not the only person experiencing this issue, it’s cropped up all over the place lately, and I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out the problem. It’s not me. It’s not you. IT’S YAHOO. Luckily, I have a solution for you! So what’s the deal? In 2014, Yahoo created a DMARC “p=reject”…
If you’ve done any research on how to get found in the search engines, or you’ve talked to anyone who works in the web development or SEO (search engine optimization) field, you may have seen or heard that Google no longer uses keywords, so you don’t have to use them. For those of us who…
As bloggers it is nice to know an audience is reading and appreciating what we write. Good bloggers write frequently and provide valuable information that is specific to their audience. As authors we know that some of the posts we write are great and other posts will change the world. So, you’ve spent hours overloading…
We do a lot of sites. 99% of these sites have handy little contact forms. And if you have a contact form, at some point, you are going to get SEO Spam. What’s SEO Spam? It’s a submission on your contact form or an email sent to you that starts with something like this: Dear…
Whenever we get asked to set up an e-commerce site, we start the process with a lot of different questions. Some of those questions include: Will your products be digital or physical? How many products will you have? Will your products have different variations (such as size, color)? What methods do you want to offer…