
Logo Design Tips

The Ins and Outs of Logo Design

When you inquire about a website with Sumy Designs, one of the options of interest you can check is "logo design." You might be wondering why that's not included in...

Website fonts: It’s not just Arial anymore

Back in the early days of websites, there was a simple rule: No fancy fonts! Whatever font you chose for your website had to be a font that the person...
How to design an author website

How to design an author website

Not sure what your new author website needs? I've got lots of tips on how to design an author website that your readers will love. A domain name and it...
What is web design?

What is web design?

If you're new to this blog, you'll know that I, Amy, am not a traditional designer. In fact, I've gone out of my way to make sure that people know...
desktop, laptop, & cell phone displaying the homepage of Sherry Shipley

Tips for Political Candidate Websites

Tis' the season for politics which means it's time to talk about political candidate websites and the way to do them right and the way to do them wrong! I...
web design pricing

Web Design Pricing: How much should your website cost?

The first question nearly everyone wants to know when it's time to get a new website is, "How much does a new website cost?" And that's a tough question to...
web page design myths

Web Page Design Best Practices

If your small business is just starting, you may be wondering what the best options are for your web page design. And if you do a Google search, you will...
Business Card Design for Brooklyn Beekeeper

Your website is not your business card

If you have a business, you probably have a business card. I have very nice business cards, which is funny because I work remotely and rarely have the opportunity to...
Web Design Why

The Power of Why

One of the most powerful words in the English language, in my opinion, is why. Why leads us to find answers to our questions and curiosities. It helps us figure...
Business Web Design

Does your business web design need to be updated?

Yes. Sorry, was that too vague? If your website is more than three years old, then it definitely needs refreshed at the very least, but possibly revamped completely. Technology is...

What’s involved in getting a new website design?

Whether this is your first website or a redesign of an existing one, you may be asking yourself what exactly is involved in the process of getting a new website...
Favicon Featured Image

Favicons – What and Why

Do you know what a favicon is? It's that teeny tiny little icon in the tab of your web browser that represents a website. These are especially helpful if you...
Competitor Analysis

Your competitors are not your customers

One of the first things we do when talking to a new client about their website is ask who their online competitors are. It's important to know who they are,...
Laptop with website showing

Simple tips for making your website look great!

Whether you are working with a pro or doing it yourself, there are ways to do it right and ways to do wrong and today I have a few simple...
Tips for better photos

Tips for Adding Images to your Pages and Posts

Every good website page or post needs to have an image. But not all images are treated equally and I'd like to share some tips on how to be sure...
web design services

Prioritize Website Function over Website Design

When we hear from potential new clients, one of the first things they often want to tell us is all the ideas they have for how they want their new...
web design services for small business

Web Design Services for Small Business

Do we only offer web design services for small business? No. But we do work with A LOT of small business owners to improve their websites, improve their online positioning...
WordPress Web Design

WordPress Web Design: Getting Started

Have you been considering a new website? Have you wondered about WordPress web design? You've probably heard that WordPress is powering around 30% of websites across the globe. That may...
Fancy Features

Don’t add features just to add features

A common request we see from clients is for this feature or that feature, something cool they saw on another website, perhaps something their competitor is doing. For some web...
website redesign

Website redesign questions and answers

The majority of clients who come to us for website design services aren't actually looking for a brand new website. Most of them already have a website that is old,...
web design services

How to choose the best web design company

When we started working on the web in 2006, the vast majority of companies offering web design services had a brick and mortar office, usually also offered print design and...