5 Tips for Improving Your Website’s User Experience

Graphic representing a website user experience and modules that could go on the site.

A seamless user experience (UX) is the cornerstone of a successful website. It’s what keeps visitors engaged, converts them into customers, and ultimately drives business growth. And sadly, it’s where a lot of people who are designing their website miss the ball. So today, let’s chat about user-experience, and go over five simple things you…

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Increase engagement on Facebook posts

People on their devices consider Facebook page or website and facebook vs group after using techniques to increase engagement on facebook.

If you post something on your Facebook page, there’s a good chance that very few people are going to see it. The reason is that the algorithm is designed to depress your posts because they want you to pay for ads. Learn ways to get more engagement for free.

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How to optimize forms for political websites

Vote Stickers on the back of voters hands representing the impact of having optimized forms for political websites.

The forms you put on your political campaign website aren’t just for filling out. They are a valuable marketing tool that you should be using to create more effective campaigns. Learn more about how to get more bang for your buck with your online forms.

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