
Building a website is more than installing a theme and picking a color, it involves lots of strategic planning for how your users will use the website at every opportunity. Learn more about how to develop a website that works for your customers through our blog.

Puppies depicting how to use alt text

What you need to know about alt text

Alt text isn't a left or right textual conspiracy, it stands for Alternative Text but is sometimes called alt attribute, alt description, or alt tags. (It's not a tag, so...
What's your goal?

Understanding your project is the key to success

A couple of weeks ago I got a call from a prospective client who wanted more information about working together. We started talking and I began to ask him more...
web design services

Need a website creation company? We’re here for you.

Web design? Web development? Web services? Web creation company? Whatever you want to call it, when it comes to building websites, we have your back. I was recently asked why...
Services Page

Your Services Page Needs Work

We do a lot of websites for businesses that offer services, such as contractors, pool builders, and other small businesses. The majority of these companies have a page on their...
Contact Us Page

Don’t neglect your contact page

One of the most important and often neglected pages of any website is the contact page. Think about it, this is likely the page where you are directing your traffic...
Pay Invoices Online

Accept Invoice Payments on your Website

If you run a business that serves clients and sends invoices, you may be wondering about a way to expedite the payment process. Allowing payments right on your website is...
Conversion Tracking

Track your conversions with Google Analytics

We install the Google Analytics script on every site we create, because it's important to know what kind of traffic is coming to your site no matter how big or...
Accept Credit Cards

It’s easier to accept credit cards on your website than you think

Whenever I'm asked to provide a quote for any kind of e-commerce website, whether it be an actual online shop with physical products, a subscription membership site, or just a...
Convert HTML website to WordPress

We can convert your old HTML website to WordPress

When we started making websites back in the good old days, most websites online (and definitely all the websites we made) were in basic HTML and not using a content...
Affordable Web Design Services

How to find affordable web design services

If you ask ten different agencies for a quote for a new website, you'll get ten different prices. I've seen websites offering web design services for as low as $199...
web design services for small business

Web Design Services for Small Business

Do we only offer web design services for small business? No. But we do work with A LOT of small business owners to improve their websites, improve their online positioning...
Online Booking

It’s 2018. You need online booking.

The other day I was looking online at a potential client's website. They had contacted us about revamping the site and I was perusing along and noticed a big "Make...
website redesign

Website redesign questions and answers

The majority of clients who come to us for website design services aren't actually looking for a brand new website. Most of them already have a website that is old,...
custom wordpress design service

What to expect with a custom WordPress design service

When it comes to websites, there are a lot of options. Typically what we offer to our clients is custom WordPress design service. But what does that mean really? How...
Solving Form Delivery Issues

Solving Form Delivery Issues

Forms. You have to have them, but sometimes you just can't get them to work. Recently I was hired to revamp a website and when I logged in for the...
Top Benefits of WordPress

Is a WordPress website right for you?

There are a lot of options when it comes to websites and a lot of tools to create one. How do you know which one is right for you? There's...
low-cost WordPress themes

Installing a theme is just the beginning

I frequently have folks come to me because they wanted to DIY their own website, installed WordPress and bought a theme, uploaded the theme, and then realized they had no...
Organize your content with custom post types

Organize your content with Custom Content Types

I love WordPress and love everything it can do. Lots of times I take over websites and find pages and pages of content. Content is king. I love content. But...
Frequently Should be Asked Questions

Frequently “Should-Be” Asked Questions

I'm a big proponent of having an FAQ page on your website. If someone lands on your site, they probably got there for a reason and not because they clicked...
Web Design Service

Web Design “Service” – What is it?

When you go to buy a product, like a car or a lamp or even a pizza, most people assume they are paying for the parts that went into it....
WordPress is Easy, but not really

WordPress is easy, but not really

When we started Sumy Designs in 2006, we were mostly doing static, HTML sites. One of those early sites wanted a blog, so we added WordPress to it. After trying...