Top Benefits of WordPress

There are a lot of options when it comes to websites and a lot of tools to create one. How do you know which one is right for you? There’s no one correct answer. We make WordPress websites, but that may not be the best fit for you, your organization or company. So let’s look into this a little deeper.

Top Benefits of WordPress

When is WordPress a good fit for your website?

It’s no secret we love WordPress. It’s a great content management system. WordPress is powering about 30% of all the websites on the Internet, with the next closest competitor being Joomla at only 3.1%. So when it comes to websites, WordPress is dominating.  But it’s not perfect and it’s not always going to be a perfect fit for every website owner.

Reasons you might want a WordPress site:

  • You want to be able to easily update the content on the site as frequently as you want from any computer.
    WordPress makes it super easy to login on from any computer and update the site whenever you want. You can add blog posts, change your content, upload photos and more and it’s pretty easy to do.
  • You want to have an active blog.
    It’s true, websites with active blogs get more traffic and more conversions. It makes it easy to add new blog posts at any time. If you want to reap the most SEO benefits, having a blog is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get there.
  • You want to allow users to comment on  your blog.
    WordPress was created as a blogging platform, with user commenting baked in.
  • You want a website that is SEO friendly.
    Google loves WordPress, and WordPress loves Google. WordPress is built to be great for SEO, and with an extra SEO plugin like Yoast, you can be optimized in no time.
  • You want special functionality provided by WordPress plugins.
    There are over 29,000 plugins in the repository. If you want your WordPress website to do something special, to have extra functionality or special features, there’s probably already a plugin that can do that.

Reasons WordPress might not be a good fit:

  • You want to design it yourself. WordPress is easy to use, but not easy to design.
  • You don’t plan to update it often (and you won’t remember to login and run software updates.) WordPress is great, but the software often has updates that need to be run.
  • You want it to be free. WordPress is Open Source, so it is free to download and use. But at the very least you’ll need a domain and web hosting, unless you go with a hosted site. You may need a support plan to keep it managed. You might need premium plugins with special functionality, most of which have annual recurring fees.
  • You don’t want to think about security. Security is important in any website. Since WordPress is such a powerhouse, it’s a target for hackers. You need to use strong passwords, keep your software up-to-date, and many other steps to prevent a security breach.

Still wondering if a WordPress site is right for you? Get in touch and we’ll help you navigate the options!

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Amy Masson, Web Developer

Amy Masson

Amy is the co-owner, developer, and website strategist for Sumy Designs. She's been making websites with WordPress since 2006 and is passionate about making sure websites are as functional as they are beautiful.

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