how much content do you need?

Content, a necessary but difficult part of the website process. Your website needs it, but how do you get it, who writes it, and how much do you really need?

I’ve written about writing content before here, and one thing I always tell people is to start early, plan for it to take twice as long as you think it will take, and stop worrying about perfection, because you’ll never have it.

Who writes the content?

As a general rule, I always find the best content comes from the business owner. The reason I believe that is because as the owner, you know your business better than anyone. You know why you’re the best. You know what you have to offer. A copywriter is going to guess at these things or more likely, use generic attributes that describes most everyone in your field.

Additionally, if you write your own content, your voice comes through in the content. People can get a sense of who you are and your personality. It makes your website and content more personalized to you.

how much content do you need?

How much do you need?

This is the key questions, how much content does your website really need? The answer is probably more than you think. If you’ve signed up for web design services with us, then you probably have a clue that you won’t get off the hook with just a few sentences per page. Let me give you some examples and info that you need.

It varies by industry

That’s right, how much content you need on each page varies by industry. Are you in a niche market without a lot of competition? Does the typical customer already know what you do and who you are? Are you a photographer? If these apply to you, then you may be able to get by with less content than other typical areas.

On the flip side, if you’re a writer, then you better deliver; you need more content than the average joe.

Who is your target audience?

How much content does your customer need to be convinced that you’re the right person for the job? If you’re a contractor or a service provider that comes to someone’s home, then the person on your website probably wants more information about what you do and who you are.

In fact, consider your website a sales pitch, and convince the user why you’re the right choice. Just listing your services isn’t enough if you have any other competitors online. If your website doesn’t convince them you’re better than your competition, why should they pick you?

Do you want to be found in the search engines?

This is a trick question, everyone wants to be found in the search engines. One of the things Google looks for when ranking websites is Expertise, Authority, and Trust, also known as E-A-T. Unfortunately, great photos do nothing to build up E-A-T with Google. The main thing that does play a role in how well your website performs in the SERPs? Content.

So how much?

As a general rule, at a bare minimum, each page needs at least 300-500 words. Below that, and there’s not a lot for Google to use to know whether you’re any good or an expert.

But I have a trick for you. Go ahead and Google for yourself and your competitors. Look at who is #1 for your desired search terms. How much content do they have? Recent studies have shown that websites that have 2,000 words of content are ranking higher than those with the 300-500 standard of year’s past.

So the truth is, if you want to rank, you need more content.

Did I mention it should be quality content?

That’s right, you don’t just need 2,000 words of blabber. It needs to be good content, quality content that sells, and it needs be relevant and useful to your consumer. If your user finds the content useful, so will Google.

(And use your keywords, of course.)

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Amy Masson, Web Developer

Amy Masson

Amy is the co-owner, developer, and website strategist for Sumy Designs. She's been making websites with WordPress since 2006 and is passionate about making sure websites are as functional as they are beautiful.

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