Personal Google Searcher

Magic Bullet for SEO Success

I was in college when the Internet became a “thing.” Back then, it wasn’t hard to find what you were looking for, because there weren’t a gazillion websites. But as the world wide web became more prominent, it started to become harder to find what you were looking for.

I actually remember a time, and I’m sorry this dates me, but I remember when you would do a search and you would have to filter through pages of junk just to get to a real result. This doesn’t happen anymore, and that’s because Google and other search engines have gone a pretty good job of figuring out how to show you what you are searching for.

And that’s the goal. You search, and you get what you are looking for.

SEO Joke:
“Where is the best place to hide a dead body? On page 2 of Google.”

Everyone’s goal is to get on page one of Google. I get inquiries daily with people who demand page one placement. And as much as I’d like to click a button and say “done!” – that’s not how it works.

Yes, Google has an algorithm and recommendations, and we do everything we can for our clients so that they meet all these guidelines. But that is really only one part to the three part magic bullet. As clients demand that we make their site land on page one, what they don’t realize that 2/3 of the process lies in their own hands. The problem is, most people don’t want to be a part of the process, and it’s absolutely vital if you want to get ranked successfully.

Here are the three parts to my magic bullet formula for SEO success:

Part One: Have a great website. We do this for our clients. We build the site. We make it look great. We make it work. We create all the behind the scenes stuff that Google is looking for. So part one we take care of. It’s part two and part three where things start to fall apart and these are the two most important aspects.

Part Two: Write quality content. Getting content from clients is often like pulling teeth. But the truth is, Google wants to serve up results for people that best match what they are searching for, and if your site doesn’t have good content, then you aren’t going to get found. Figure out what people are looking for, and put that information on your website. Be the answer to someone’s question, and that’ll get you results.

Part Three: Add new content regularly. This is really hard for people. Everyone wants to “set it and forget it” but the truth is, you can’t, not if you want to compete. You need to publish new content and you need to do it regularly. Most people who set up a website that have intentions of doing this fall off track within a few weeks or months. You can’t do that if you want SEO success. Regularity is the key.

That’s all there is to it.

There’s no a super secret formula that I can employ to land on you on page one. It’s the knowledge that’s in your own head that you can share that will make the difference.

You just have to make time to share it.

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Amy Masson, Web Developer

Amy Masson

Amy is the co-owner, developer, and website strategist for Sumy Designs. She's been making websites with WordPress since 2006 and is passionate about making sure websites are as functional as they are beautiful.

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