Your logo is your identity and your identity is what separates you from your competition in the marketing world. Your visual identity has a key role in building customer relationships and it gives your product a brand. Having a brand is an important step in representing yourself and your business.
If you’ve made the decision to move forward with a custom logo for your business or organization then you’ve come to the right place. Sumy Designs can create a logo that will set you apart from your competition. A logo takes time and effort to create but a well-designed logo will give your business the appearance of being credible and professional.
Sumy Designs can create a logo that will set you apart from your competition. A logo takes time and effort to create but a well-designed logo will give your business the appearance of being credible and professional. All of our logos come packaged in a variety of formats that will fit all of your printing and web needs.
Portable Network Graphic. PNG was designed for use on the Internet and is the most largely used image compression format on the web. PNGs are not for printing professional graphic images.
Joint Photographic Experts Group. A JPG is optimized for photographs. JPG works by getting rid of the things that the eye is not likely to see or notice.
Portable Document File. A PDF format is used when you want to share information with others who don’t have the same the same software as you. You can share files across different platforms (Mac/Widows) and the files and fonts will look the same. Most PDF readers are free (including Adobe Reader) so sharing information is never a problem.
Adobe Illustrator. Illustrator is a design software program used in creating vector files of different sizes and formats. AI files are the preferred format for most printers and are perfect for large documents such as banners and signs because the files can be resized without losing pixel quality.
Tagged Image File Format. TIFs are primarily used for print images. They are supported across many platforms friendly for commercial printers supporting CMYK files and page layout programs.
Encapsulated Postscript File. EPS files can be both vector and bitmap files that can be resized to any size without loss of image quality. EPS formats are supported by most graphic and pay layout programs.
Susan Sullivan
Susan lives in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex area with her husband and children. She is an avid distance runner, environmentalist, part-time beekeeper, chicken farmer and amateur photographer.