If you come to our website much, or subscribe to our newsletter (and if you don’t, you can sign up today!), you already know I write a lot of blog posts. Plenty of people ask me how I’m able to produce so much content so quickly. It’s not always easy, but one trick is that I have a basic blog post format that gives me the outline I need to quickly layout a blog post that is effective.
Part 1: Introduction
See what I did there? I introduced my blog post. All good blog posts start with an introduction. This is where people decide if they are going to keep reading or not. What’s your post about? Try to give as brief an overview as possible so your users can understand what they’ll be reading or learning about. And can you use that introduction to draw your readers in? Is there something interesting you can include that will make people want to keep reading?
Part 2: Featured Image
I like to include the featured image in my post, usually after the introduction. People don’t want to read your long essay with no breaks, so provide an image now and again to break up the text. I have a tendency to put mine right after the introduction unless I have a lot of images for my post.
Part 3: Body
The body of your post is where you really get into the nitty gritty, but try not to have paragraphs of rambling text. Break it up with lists, images, block quotes, and subheadings. Be thorough, but don’t write just to have words. Write with purpose and conviction. And get to the point. 🙂
Part 4: Conclusion
Write a simple conclusion that reiterates the point of the blog post. Keep it short, a few sentences will do.
Part 5: Call-to-Action
So many people forget the call to action. This is so important! One of the points of blogging is to generate more traffic to your website, potential new customers that may contact you for business. After someone has read your post, what should they do? What are their next steps? Don’t leave them hanging, it’s important that you give them a task. I typically will let the users know that they can contact us for a free quote on their website project.
Extra Tips:
- It’s a good idea to include links in your post. Links are a useful way to help people find additional, relevant information. For example, if I’m writing about a plugin, then I should link to that plugin’s website or page in the repository. Or if I’m referencing another day’s blog post, I should link to that blog post.
- Don’t forget to share your blog posts on social media if you’re on social media. And include your featured image for the sake of continuity and to generate interest.
- Make sure your blog post is useful and relevant. Don’t write about your dogs on your business blog and make sure whatever you do write about is going to be something that your blog readers can use in some way. The more useful and informative, the more credibility your blog will build.
Need help setting up your blog? Contact us today for a free quote!(See what I did there?)
Amy Masson
Amy is the co-owner, developer, and website strategist for Sumy Designs. She's been making websites with WordPress since 2006 and is passionate about making sure websites are as functional as they are beautiful.