Conversion Killers

How to Kill Your Conversions

So many websites owners have one focus and that focus is getting users to their website. They watch their analytics, and so long as the numbers are going up, they...

Who is your website for?

Hint: It's not for you! One of my jobs as someone who builds websites is making sure the website I create is designed to work for the owner, which is...
Increase Conversion Rate

Conversion Rates Explained

There are all kinds of stats when it comes to your website. There's the number of visitors, number of pageviews, number of pages per visit, and on and on and...
website conversions

Five things your website needs to get more conversions

What's a conversion? A conversion is when someone comes to your website and then completes the desired thing that you want them to do, in a measurable way. For example,...
Solving Form Delivery Issues

Top Four Reasons No one is filling out your form

For a lot of sites, one of the main goals is to get contacts. For example, my own site, my goal is to have people contact me about my services. I...