WordPress Web Design

There are a lot of options when it comes to websites for your business. WordPress? Joomla? Drupal? Wix? Weebly? SquareSpace?  Open source or something proprietary? How do you know which one to choose? What’s the best choice for you?

To answer this one question, you need to answer a few smaller questions first. The first question is, do you want to design and build it yourself, or do you want to hire someone else to do it? This is imperative, because not every method of creating a website is easy. I have said this a million times. WordPress is easy – to use. It’s not easy to build.

If you want to build your own website, there are tools to do it that are easier for a DIYer than WordPress. I would never recommend that someone who has never used WordPress try to build their own website. You might say, but there are thousands of free themes, you just have to click to install one and your site looks great. Unfortunately, installing a theme is just step one, and there are a lot of other steps that take a lot of time and know-how, even if you are installing a ready-made theme.

WordPress Web Design

So you shouldn’t use WordPress?

That’s not at all my point, so let me get to it. I think WordPress is hands-down the best solution for any small business website. Let me count the ways:

It’s easy to manage. (Notice I didn’t say easy to build.) It’s easy to add new content, edit your existing content, add new blog posts and products and images.

It’s extendable. There is almost nothing you can’t do with WordPress. And you don’t have to reinvent the wheel each time you have an idea, there are literally thousands of plugins ready and waiting to be used.

It’s free. Sort of. WordPress is open source, which means you can download and use it for free. But there are outside costs associated with having a WordPress site, such as your domain, web hosting, premium themes and plugins.

It has a huge, and fantastic, community. I didn’t learn about the WP community until 2013, and what I’ve learned is that the people who use WordPress are welcoming, friendly, and eager to help you.

Lots of people use it. Which means that you can always find experts who can help you if you run into trouble. You can always find those willing to support your WordPress site. It’s now powering over a third of all websites online. With that many people using it, it must be great, right?

It’s engine friendly. Search engines love WordPress sites. And with add-ons like Yoast SEO, you can really work toward helping your customers find you with every page and post.

Need help with a WordPress site? We can do it! Contact us today for a quote.

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Amy Masson, Web Developer

Amy Masson

Amy is the co-owner, developer, and website strategist for Sumy Designs. She's been making websites with WordPress since 2006 and is passionate about making sure websites are as functional as they are beautiful.

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