Everyone knows I’m the hugest of huge fans of Beaver Builder. I don’t even work for them, but I sing their praises regularly. This plugin adds so much functionality and allows me to do a lot in a fraction of the time.
So the guys at Beaver Builder came up with a new product called Beaver Themer, and I bought it and used it and this will come as a shock to no one, but I LOVE it.
What is Beaver Themer?
In their own words:
Beaver Themer lets you create layouts for archive pages, template an entire post type, 404 and search pages, and create parts like headers and footers. Field connections allow you to connect your layouts to the data inside each type of template.
Ever wanted to change your single post page? Your archive pages? Your search pages and add stuff, easily change the layouts, styles, and more? Beaver Themer does that! One of my biggest hassles over the years is styling my custom post types, but now I can do it with ease with Beaver Themer. It’s my new favorite thing.
Why use it?
I use custom post types on almost every site I make, it adds a lot of versatility and options, but I’ve always struggled to come up with interesting and easily modified layouts for my CPTs. Now I can edit them with ease.
Do you use Advanced Custom Fields? I do! And now, I can set up my CPT layouts and easily add in my custom fields into the layout.
For me, the biggest draw is the ease of use. Can I code my own single post layout page for CPT? Yes. Yes I can. But now I can do it so much faster with lots of options and templates to make it look great, be responsive, and easily edited down the road. It cuts my development time to a fraction. Any tool that lets me do more stuff faster and better is a tool I want to have.
I’m actually to the point that the Beaver Beaver guys could slap their name on anything and I’d buy it.
What’s it cost?
It’s $147 annually and you can use it on unlimited sites. In my opinion, it is well worth the money and I’m not being paid to say that.
Note that Beaver Themer is not a stand alone product, it works as an extension of Beaver Builder, so you have to have BB to use Themer.
Amy Masson
Amy is the co-owner, developer, and website strategist for Sumy Designs. She's been making websites with WordPress since 2006 and is passionate about making sure websites are as functional as they are beautiful.